I like my intel Mac Mini. I can boot in into either Leopard (10.5) or Vista. Plus in emulation, I can run Amiga, Commodore, SEGA, Nintendo and many different Atari systems, etc. Plus it plays DVDs and VCD movies too.
But for some reason, Microsoft didn't think anyone buying Vista Home Basic would want to play DVD movies as it hads no DVD decoder!
Basically, use what you like, can afford and feel comfortable with.
Mac's are a bit more expensive for some models, but my mini was $499 plus $80 for more RAM, and 90 for a bigger HDD, and $240 for a 22 inch LCD screen.
I bought it all one piece at a time, and that makes it easier!
Pain and pleasure are the twins who slowly out of focus spin around us until we finally realize, that everything that gives us pleasure also gives us pain to measure it by!