Keith wrote:
Why does everything seem to be harder to get done in Vista? I'm beginning top think Windows Meltdown Everytime was far better.
You would think a company the size of Microsoft would do stacks of customer research and usability testing when developing a new operating system. Instead they just seem to make it up as they go along and hope it works and that people like what they've done.
Frankly I preferred Windows ME over Vista - at least I could get on with my work without lots of hassle.
Vista does look "pretty" and I like the desktop gadgets, but beyond that, the glamour is skin deep. It looks good but is a b***h underneath.
Everything in Vista takes more mouse clicks and more button presses to do than it did in XP. Assuming the functionality is even there. So many things I took for granted in XP are just missing in Vista. Take for example connecting online. Unfortunately I only have a dial up modem. On XP I got online by double clicking a desktop icon.
In Vista I have to click:
Start> Connect to. (wait ten seconds while it looks for any networks). Double click my ISP connection. The disconnect button is not on the same screen so I have click back then disconnect.
The little system tray icon that showed internet activity in XP has been replaced by a lifeless icon that does not flash to display if any data is being sent or received (even if you select 'animated'). So it is not possible to see if the connection has dropped by glancing at the icon. Instead you have to wade through a set of mouse clicks to navigate to a screen that shows network traffic.
It is like Microsoft have gone out of their way to make Vista less friendly and slower to use than XP.
I've left WP indefinitely.