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15 Oct 2008, 9:24 am

musicforanna wrote:
t0 wrote:
ValMikeSmith wrote:
Which virus problem are you referring to?
The one where you use a Windows computer and get a virus.

I guess I don't know how to use Windows "properly". I never get virii and I don't run a scanner.

That's like saying I have sex but I know I don't have any STDs because I don't get myself tested. (btw, that's not true about me :lol: I was just giving an example)

I should have stated that I check things on my own rather than using a commercial scanner. The list of processes, services, and things in the Run* registry keys, for example.

It's more like saying, "I only stick my **** in women I have a serious relationship with."


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15 Oct 2008, 2:04 pm

I fixed it!! !! ! turns out that when I was updating my computer microsoft had include IE version 8 beta, for windows ME. so I had to uninstill IE an deverything wroks again. (Now I won't have to find a place to fix it where I live) Now I just won't update the whole computer just the Apps that I need to update.


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15 Oct 2008, 6:43 pm

Internet Explorer 7 is similar to the Windows explorer in Vista, the who UAC thing really got on my nerves. Finding everything takes 10 times longer, I can't install Media Player 10 (has the features not in 11)

Why does everything seem to be harder to get done in Vista? I'm beginning top think Windows Meltdown Everytime was far better.

Yeah, I'm using Vista Ultimate x64, but I'm not paying for it until I'm happy with it. If anyone has problems with that, I can install a version of Linux in a short time with 1,000 times more reliability compared to Vista


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16 Oct 2008, 6:59 am

Keith wrote:
Why does everything seem to be harder to get done in Vista? I'm beginning top think Windows Meltdown Everytime was far better.

You would think a company the size of Microsoft would do stacks of customer research and usability testing when developing a new operating system. Instead they just seem to make it up as they go along and hope it works and that people like what they've done.

Frankly I preferred Windows ME over Vista - at least I could get on with my work without lots of hassle.

Vista does look "pretty" and I like the desktop gadgets, but beyond that, the glamour is skin deep. It looks good but is a b***h underneath.

Everything in Vista takes more mouse clicks and more button presses to do than it did in XP. Assuming the functionality is even there. So many things I took for granted in XP are just missing in Vista. Take for example connecting online. Unfortunately I only have a dial up modem. On XP I got online by double clicking a desktop icon.
In Vista I have to click:
Start> Connect to. (wait ten seconds while it looks for any networks). Double click my ISP connection. The disconnect button is not on the same screen so I have click back then disconnect.

The little system tray icon that showed internet activity in XP has been replaced by a lifeless icon that does not flash to display if any data is being sent or received (even if you select 'animated'). So it is not possible to see if the connection has dropped by glancing at the icon. Instead you have to wade through a set of mouse clicks to navigate to a screen that shows network traffic.

It is like Microsoft have gone out of their way to make Vista less friendly and slower to use than XP.

I've left WP indefinitely.


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16 Oct 2008, 3:02 pm

I like windows ME over vista because Me had a lot of security problems but now if you take a look with vista you would see that vista now has a lot moire security problems then ME. like anti-virus programes shutdown most of the time, the firewall shuts down, it will remove anti spyware (but come to othink of it it did not remove yahoo antispyware. I wonder why?) But you are right TallyMan I could not use Vuze without clicking the icon about 4-10 times, but IE took well over 50 clicks, and was a pain in the ass when I was uploading pics to my myspace and facebook profiles. oh and instilling windows media player 10 like Keith said is hard but I had a cd (from my old MP3 player before it broke) and had to instilled it from there and that froze the PC. Then we my mom brought it to best buy for help from geek squad thay said that they could not do anything to it because I had instilled linux to it so they uninstilled lunex and reinstilled f***en vista. and reinstilled windows media 10 because my mom told them to. I'm going to keep windows ME


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16 Oct 2008, 3:06 pm

Now IE in viasta when openning a new tab it stops loading the new tab


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18 Oct 2008, 5:39 pm

KaliMa wrote:
Yeah, that mojave ad offends me. One of the testers in it says something to the effect that 'you just have to know how to use it'. WHAT??! ! My problem with Vista was that it was introduced before anything had a driver for it. My new laptop came with it, so the laptop could not work with the printer, the U3 smartdrive, or the external drive that I had planned to use to transfer all my files and apps from my PC to my laptop. I know how to use a microsoft OS, I've been using them since windows98. They were insulting my intelligence in an effort to sell the product to those few people who didn't know what the problem with it was.

Maybe there are drivers available for it now, but I don't care. XP has worked from the start for me, and I'm not going back to vista.

The OEM's and hardware manufactuers knew about Vista since 2003 and had the Beta versions of Vista since 2004. They had plenty of time to make drivers its just that there was so misunderstanding on the OEM's behalf that wasn't answered till the last minute. It happens, Windows XP didn't have all of its hardware drivers until 2003 and people loved that OS. During Windows XP release in October 2001 very little drivers were made for the OS. Mainly because most OEM's were still used to Win9X on consumer computers.


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18 Oct 2008, 7:31 pm

I thought the ad brought up a good point. In a lot of cases people never even tried Vista but hate it because of stories from the media.


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18 Oct 2008, 7:44 pm

shugo974 wrote:
my mom brought it to best buy for help from geek squad thay said that they could not do anything to it because I had instilled linux to it so they uninstilled lunex and reinstilled f***en vista. and reinstilled windows media 10 because my mom told them to. I'm going to keep windows ME

Sounds like a bunch of amateurs. I could install Vista alongside Linux quite easily. Diagnosing problems takes a lot more work than anything else. Finding my IP addresses and gateways is more of a tedious task (without using ipconfig or netstat) and I have more than one computer linked together.

I hope RC2 does for Vista what RC2 did for XP... I'm pissed that I've installed alot of updates and got about 40GB for just Windows Vista Ultimate x64 and utilities + Office (I'll use it) Probably thinking I don't need all updates, but I like to see things as they developer intended. I still say Media PLayer 10 is better than 11. I can get the total of minutes, hours and seconds easily, in 11 it's practically impossible without a calculator.