Keith wrote:
What's the deal with 64 bit computers that run 32 bit operating systems?
"I got a 64 bit computer running Windows XP Home, therefore my computer is more powerful than yours at 32bit running Home" (example in case someone wants to criticise)
No deal unless they are taking advantage if that 64 bits with a 64 bit windows version.
If you think about people, we tend to be good at 7 digit numbers.. exactly what most phone numbers are. There is nothing special about that, it just comes from practice. Likewise a 32 bit OS can deal with 32 bit numbers or up to values of 4,294,967,296 without "thinking" about it. A 64 bit OS handles twice this(assuming the hardware does too), for a total of 18,446,744,073,709,551,615 discrete values. A 32 bit computer would need to tackle that in at least 2 steps.
So the 64 bit machine can possibly do things faster.
In addition, the design of 32 bit motherboards limits the total memory locations to 4 gigabytes(and its often less than that). See how that relates to 4,294,967,296? I luck out on my 32 bit windows and it shows 3.5 gigs. Apparently windows does something that makes the other 0.5 gigs unaddressable, though the bios shows it.
A 64 bit version can handle more. Way more. My 64 bit Ubuntu shows the full 4 gigs, and it could 18,446,744,073,709,551,61 or so bytes of ram. Thats called 16 exbibytes of addressable memory.
Shows a comparison of how much more that 64 bit can address. The left most 4 in the second number is the 4 gigabyte range.
Incidently a 128 bit computer can address 274,877,906,944 yottabytes. Thats a yotta ram.
davidred wrote...
I installed Ubuntu once and it completely destroyed my paying relationship with Microsoft.