scratchmonkey, I don't know for sure, but I doubt that allowing for longer tails, toothed beaks, and fingers in chickens would turn them into ravenous killers. Besides, aren't most birds carnivorous already? Regressed chickens are unlikely to be much more rowdy than pulling worms from the ground and plucking bugs off of trees, just like other birds are, now. It's a fun thought experiment, though. "The Birds" certainly would be a lot different.
Come to think of it, they probably shouldn't mess around too much with birds of prey, though...
Oh, while I'm thinking of it, birds are not descendants of pterosaurs. Pterosaurs are quite different from modern or ancient theropods (bipedal dinosaurs, including birds, t-rexes, and velociraptors). No, I don't think there's any way to get a pterosaur in this manner, unfortunately, since there do not appear to be any surviving descendants at all. Of course, even if we did, it almost certainly couldn't fly in our environment, so it wouldn't really be that dangerous. A t-rex would have similar mechanical problems, stemming from its size. Some have postulated that a t-rex, running at 55mpg, would snap its head clear off if it made a sharp turn.