MyFutureSelfnMe wrote:
Nobody cares about '3D cube' window switching and the like, they care about how the whole experience feels, which is something harder to quantify.
That's how I feel about Compiz too, stupid. And skinning has been there long before OSX, Vista or Compiz. All of them are copying the concept from third party programs. Compositing windows management is also invented long before OSX came into existence.
Fuzzy wrote:
As for the kernel, the absolute zero support for dial up modems shows that the kernel is updated and antiquated technology is discarded. Several people here at WP will attest to the pain in getting one working. And yet, as late as last year I remember seeing shelves of windows boxes touting the presence of 56.6k modems. Linus decided years ago that technology has progressed passed that point and support need not be written into the kernel.
I don't see how you can view this as positive. It only shows that Linux's driver architecture is inefficient. A proper architecture just need to provide the hooks to interface with the kernel and then it's the manufacturers' responsibility to write the actual driver. btw Linus also refused to write support TOE in the kernel, I have to say I disagree with this decision too.
Fuzzy wrote:
Further, LCD monitors are better supported than CRT. Those days are past too.
I am not aware of any superior LCD support by Linux. If CRT support has been downgraded, it only put Linux behind other OSes. If you are thinking of sub-pixel rendering, I don't think it's better than OSX or Windows. Worse still, it may be illegal. The author of FreeType explicitly disabled sub-pixel rendering by default because he believes the technique infringe on M$'s patents. And yet most distros still turn it on, apparently without any discussion with M$.
Fuzzy wrote:
And yet, old softare still works.
With recompilation, you mean?
Orwell wrote:
The Windows GUI is just completely brain-dead. Scroll through an alphabetical list of all the programs on your computer? Ridiculous.
If you are talking about the new Start Menu since Vista, then yes I totally agreed. What the hell was M$ thinking when they designed that.