My dad had a AT which was monochromatic goldenrod display haha. It was early DOS and had a 5 1/5 inch floppy only. Before that we had a TI tape driven computer with Soccer, Tax Software and some other game that involved climbing mountains. Eventually we got EGA then CGA visual PCs. They were 286 then 386 DX, ran Willy Beamish and Battle Chess. I remember the first Wing Comander game, omgz. Kings Quest IV was the first CD based game I ever played. Spent plenty of time playing Doom and Wolfenstein 3D a long time ago as well. My first actualy PC was a Pentium 1 60 Mghz Gateway 2000 which I later upgraded myself to a P1 133 lol. I played the f**k out of Quake on my dads cable internet when he first got it. I loved all the mods and multiplayer stuff including the birth of bots. Unreal Tournament came out and then took over. I loved Baldur's Gate and some of the older DnD games as well, but not quite as much as BG.
I would say I started with computers in the mid 80s, the TI was before I even had a NES or my friend had Atari. Right now I have a AMD Athlon XP with 1GB of RAM and a ATI Radeon 9600 128MB as my secondary PC (running Win XP). My laptop is a POS Pentium 3 with 256 MB of RAM and runs Win 2000 pro. My main PC is a Pentium 4 3 Ghz with 2 GB of RAM and another Radeon 9600 Pro 128 MB running XP. They are all for games of course except for the laptop which is just surfing. I have a Xbox360, PS2, Gamecube, DS, Dreamcast, NES, SNES, etc as far as consoles go.