Global Warming 101
eric76 wrote:
Edenthiel wrote:
BaalChatzaf wrote:
Furthermore they are based on a flawed analogy. Greenhouses are warm because the ceiling panels prevent hot air from rising out of the green house and cooling off. It isn't back radiation. It is lack of convection. Try this experiment. On a hot sunny day close the windows of your car. It will heat up from the sunlight. Now open the windows and it cools off quickly. The CO2 level has not changed by convection cools the inside of the car. So much for the greenhouse effect.
I would recommend reading up on the greenhouse effect. Glass is transparent to UV, but opaque to IR; this means that when sunlight shines into a greenhouse, visible and UV get in and are absorbed by the surfaces inside. Those surfaces heat up and radiate IR. That IR is then trapped as it cannot pass back out through the glass. CO2 performs the same function as glass in the atmospheric model. Also, there is no way to vent hot air into space; apart from hydrogen & helium it is all held somewhat tightly in a layer close to the earth by gravity.
Warming will not spiral out of control. We will just reach a reasonable higher equilibrium.
The Stephan-Boltzmann law of temperature ensures that an equilibrium will be reached. The earth cannot become infinitely hot.
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