LostInEmulation wrote:
Betzalel wrote:
I think MacOS X is a great desktop OS. but as a commercial UNIX it is very much lacking. if they produced better documentation on the internals and what all of the configuration files do under /Library etc do I would like it a lot more. until then its a neat toy thats very useful on a desktop and easily managed but its not well documented enough to fully support when the sh** hits the fan or you need to do something apple never thought of. Sure I've done it but it was a major pain in the ass because of lack of good documentation and Apple basicly throwing off any standard UNIX conventions to do their own thing without telling anyone.
So right. A colleague of my mother (computer science teacher and admin of everything IT of the school) said the Mac OS Server he uses forgot many settings - no one understood what happened or what to do to keep it from happening again (and of course they refused my offer to 'be locked in the computer-pool for a weekend and set up a Linux to replace it Apple software' and instead 'solve' this problem by paying 400-ish € for an upgrade)
Heh... they deserve that if they're going to act like that.
My dream computer would take a bit off all computers in a network for one super computer. I have an idea as to how to do it too - but for gaming it would rely on QEMU getting support for DirectX/OpenGL video adapter emulation.
It would go like this:
* All lab computers would run a specialised Linux distro that runs an rsh server with root access blocked. For Windows it would run XP under QEMU.
* A number of computers would run QEMU running Windows XP (again) with MPICH to access all of the lab computers through rsh. These computers will use the spare processing power of the lab machines to run themselves.
* Have a couple of servers use the network as well. In a decent uni campus-sized network, there would be enough spare processing power to run every single web server and database server and still have room for more.
Not bad, eh? With a little perseverance I think it could work.
We are one, we are strong... the more you hold us down, the more we press on - Creed, "What If"
AS is definitive. Reality is frequently inaccurate.
I'm the same as I was when I was six years old - Modest Mouse