Rudin wrote:
naturalplastic wrote:
Rudin wrote:
naturalplastic wrote:
Rudin wrote:
1 is a really cool number.
It can be expressed as cubes of three integers in infinitely many ways. That's just one of the cool things about it.
Are you saying that the number one has three different cube roots?
I mean the sum of three cubes in infinitely many ways.
You still aren't conveying what the heck you're talking about.
The sum of the cubes of three positive integers above one?
Is that what you mean?
The sum of the cubes of the three smallest positive integers above one is not anything like one.
There are infinitely many integers a,b,c such that a^3+b^3+c^3=1.
A) Can't you take a hint? I am obviously asking you for examples. Would it kill ya to give me an example of three integers that add up that way?
B) I asked above if you were including negative integers, or not. You didnt answer my question.
C) Even if you ARE including negative integers its hard for a non mathematician like me to think of an example of a combination of three integers (any mix of negative and or positive) that add up that way.
D) If you could get three cubed integers to add up to one, then wouldnt you also be able to find combinations that would add up to ANY integer? Wouldnt this be a characteristic of every integer? If so then what would this have to do with making the number one "special"?