rdos wrote:
I think it is possible for non-electromagenetic stuff to travel faster than light, and the weight increase of particles in accelerators is only due to a massive build-up of electromagnetic energy as they accelerate the particle. OTOH, we cannot use electromagnetic fields to accelerate particles above the speed of light for obvious reasons.
A simple shadow can move accross a surface faster than the speed of light, as can a point of light. Many quantum phenomena seem to move faster than the speed of light also.
These "things" can be taken as moving faster than light because they are otherwise erroneous abstract concepts. For example, shadows do not exist, but are interpreted as "being" there as an absence of the same level of lighting as of the surrounding area. An equivalent mistaken thermodynamic model is of a colder body "radiating coldness" to a warmer body. An old lampoon joke is the "Dark-Bulb", that can reduce the illumination in a room, by "radiating" darkness from the bulb.