Arran wrote:
naturalplastic wrote:
Consumer products for the general populace?
Yes! They absolutely would NOT be sellable. You might as well try to sell cookbooks written in Chinese characters, or in heiroglyphics.
It has crossed my mind that cities with a high proportion of young, well educated, or foreign people - or any combination of these - will be more receptive to consumer products that displayed temperature only in celsius than areas with an older or less educated population. Could it be that there actually is a significant local demand for celsius consumer products in certain areas but the market has overlooked it?
If celsius is taught in schools then at about what age do Americans start thinking in terms of fahrenheit?
When do Europeans start thinking in celsius?
Thats when Americans start thinking in Fahrenhiet.
They teach both in school. But the weatherman talks in fahrenheit. And so do your parents when they decide to put a sweater on you that day, or turn on the AC, or whatever. Fahrenhiet is your native tongue, and celsius is the second language (if even that).