I don't beleive kids under a certain age should even be on the internet without being closely supervised. If your kid is watching porn on ANY site then it's the parent's fault.
Emotions aside, this unilateral statement is simply incorrect on a basic level.
According to the article, if you read it, this solely targeted children's videos. It did so in such a way that even a supervising parent, standing directly at the child's side, would be unable to anticipate. Also, when Barney is suddenly interrputed by twenty seconds of "Hole-y Holly's Anal Animal Adventures", said parent will need to overcome shock, get the mouse from the child, and try to close the window while not being distracted by Holly, their child's reaction, or what is happening to a very unfortunate chicken.
For the parent to avoid this, they would have to allow no surfing on the net whatsoever. This is not what you are recommending which exhibits a basic misunderstanding of the issue and the flow of your own argument.