And to the person that said MS is making a software 'patch' to make 32bit see more than 3.2-3.75 GB of ram... Yea, then it's not 32 bit anymore. It's a function of the memory controller. The patch forces the software to pretend it's a higher bit than it is, which really all that does is slow the comp down.
I don't think you really understand the situation. PAE is a
hardware feature of the CPU. Both Intel and AMD had implemented it on their CPUs long before x64 came out. There is no need to pretend there's more bits, it's actually there in the memory management unit.
The thing that's restricted to 32-bit is the virtual address space. Each process can only see 4GB at a time, of which Windows usually reserved 2GB for itself while Linux usually reserved 1GB. The remaining 2 or 3GB is private for each process. Put it simply, if you have 10 processes running, they can actually use up 20GB (30GB under Linux) of virtual address together. I'm not saying they are but they could. In case you think this is added work, all protected mode 32-bit OSes do this, with or without PAE. It's just that with PAE, they could be backed with physical memory, not just the harddisk.
The real slow down appears when one process needs to use more than 2 or 3GB. It has to ask the OS to move the 4GB window, and those operations are relatively expensive. Note that it's still a lot faster than using the harddisk.
And it's not a 'patch' that Microsoft has to write either, Windows has PAE support since Windows 2000, and all major Linux distro have PAE versions too.
As for the ever increasing hardware requirements of Windows, well I think it takes some real talent to develop software to such a bloat. I mean if Linux can pack so much in a DVD, how come Windows's DVD contains nothing but the OS? And it's not like there's a lot empty space on their disc either.