pakled wrote:
tri-core? I've never heard of it wither. 2,4, 8 (and supposedly some really specific ones beyond that).
If you bought the OS from the vendor, did they have a 'no returns' policy you acknowledged before downloading? If so, there's not much that can be done. However, if not, then you might contact the Better Business Bureau in their jurisdiction. You can either file a complaint, or look up their 'rep' (other complaints) on that specific business (provided it's in the US).
Pakled, it isnt so straightforward. For more than a decade it has been established that microsoft will not issue refunds for unused licences. Contact them and they will say "go to the vendor". Contact the vendor and they tell you to talk to MS.
The problem is that it is the responsibility of the vendor to return your purchase price. However, microsoft will not refund your vendor. It would be a death sentence for any specific vendor to sink that loss, as anyone that didnt want to use microsoft(us linux geeks) would purchase from them. Seeing how MS applies mostly unavoidable pressure to OEMs to forcibly include windows in assembled computers, They would very quickly start taking huge losses from returns.
Here is a company that
does ship without windows. I intend to buy my next laptop from them.
davidred wrote...
I installed Ubuntu once and it completely destroyed my paying relationship with Microsoft.