Scientist wrote:
Octopuses are intelligent too.
After finding tool use in other primates, other mammals and in birds,
scientists now for the first time found tool use in an invertebrate.
Here's an article about it, plus a funny video:
Octopus snatches coconut and runs
Once I had a carribean octopus for a pet.
I housed it in a 29 gallon tank as it was small-hand sized.
I fed it small cuts of fish.
One neat thing I can remember was that it turned red in response to a red colored pen I held up to the glass once.
It was almost an instant color transfer.
It didn't live long as one day I apparently spooked it and it 'inked' and died within seconds.
I thought maybe it was a water chemistry problem as the nitrite was way too high.
Ammonia goes to nitrite and then to nitrate.
This is analogous to CO poisoning in mammals so it was under this stress and the ink is toxic and dealt the final blow .