hi all,
i spotted the following and wanted to share.
from (click)
Become a Windows God! How to Enable GodMode on Windows 7
02 Jan
Windows 7 interface (and desktop) is rather clean and minimalist. Of course, you can find everything you need in the famous and well-known Control Panel. However this solution won’t allow you to see and easily use all those nested settings included in the main options. Did you know that you can become a God? Well, at least on Windows 7!
One of the less known options on Windows 7 is the God Mode feature. Basically, it lets you have every setting and option right in front of you, ready to be used without having to browse among different settings before getting what you are looking for. Here is how to enable it:
1. Right click on any bank space on your desktop.
2. Click new from the menu and create a New Folder.
3. Rename the folder as follow: GodMode.{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C}
4. DO NOT use this trick on Vista and Windows 7 64X. It will cause your Windows to crash! (read comments below)
This simple command will create a special shortcut to the God Mode option letting you access all Windows 7 functions via a handy GUI!

RaceDrv709 wrote:
Darn it! I have Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit. Once that's fixed I can finally do that godmode thing.
if you read down in the article comments it is OK with windows 7 x64... more to the point i am using it now...
[overwide image thumbnailed by lau]
["th_" added to the front of the filename of PhotoBucket images will give a thumbnail lau]
for any issues with windows 7 or vista x64 please use the following solution...
it would seem that vista x64 is affected by crashes, but windows 7 x64 is OK.
"see without looking, hear without listening, breathe without asking" - W.H Auden
Last edited by tektek on 05 Jan 2010, 8:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.