The rates quoted above would require that you be online, streaming/downloading/whatevering 24hrs a day. Now, no offence OP, but you're on flippin' YouTube. I just caint see that as a possibility.
Example: I have 6 people in my house that are old enough to figure out the internet. One is a usenet junkie, always downloading something. Sis and her BF are constantly streaming/playing XBox live, Hubby streams quite a few movies a day, and I spend 16 hours a day online watching, reading, and generally dorking about the internet. Also, Sis and Mum do online schooling, which for some reason eats a TONNE of bandwidth and the rest of us have to quit streaming for a moment. Now, I'm not 100% sure because it's been well over a year since I last checked this info and it's not available on their site, but my ISP has a cap, I think somewhere in the neighbourhood of 40 or 50Gb's per month. With everyone constantly doing something, including the *ahem* kinds of downloads you get from less than trustworthy people being a part of your household, we've yet to hit that limit.
I would recommend 'MAC locking.' It's in single quotes so you can google it. Or, go to youtube, type in your router model number and mac locking, and at least one video will show up showing you how to do it step by step. If you mess up, these things come with handy reset buttons. What mac locking does changes the way your router accepts information. Instead of allowing any hacker to get in based on a presumably simple password, it ONLY allows a few select computers in based on the unique address saved on the network card. Your neighbour would have to be very good to beat it.
One last thing. You said you've received a bill for three months usage. Now, I hate to play devil's advocate here... but is it at all possible that you misread it and that 120Gb is for all three months? Because then the numbers make a whole lot more sense.
Every time you think you've made it idiot proof, someone comes along and invents a better idiot.
?the end of our exploring, will be to arrive where we started, and know the place for the first time. - T.S. Eliot