Inventor wrote:
The idea works, but is large, and has high power needs. Not much chance of a backpack size.
Unlike canon, they are too big to aim at anything but orbit. Their advantage is also thier downfall.
While powder propels a bullet to a mile a second, rail guns use the speed of light.
Their projectile has to be ferric, or an opposing field. The vehicle has a high mass. Even cargo would have to be well stowed. A human would become a puddle. Launch to orbit takes reaching 20,000 miles an hour in a few hundred yards. With an open system, a huge projectile, the sonic boom would come while it was just starting. Leaving the barrel, it would be a fireball. Air cannot take such abuse.
It has been said they would work better on the Moon. The problem there is nothing to export, but dust.
They were proposed for use in space, as mass drivers, from the recoil, but you have to have a supply of mass.
The original proposal came from Gerard K. O'Neill, who wanted to mine iron on the Moon, smelt it to steel, then use a mass driver to launch it to the L-4 and L-5 points to build his O'Neill colonies.
The first reference I've found so far to using a mass driver as a weapon was in Heinlein's
The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress, published in 1966, in which the inmates of a lunar prison colony (most of whom were actually free citizens, but couldn't leave Luna because of low-gravity adaptation) fought for their freedom from the Terran Federation by using a mass driver built to transport grain grown in lunar tunnels to Earth, to throw steel-jacketed multiton rocks at Earthside targets - essentially massive aimed meteor strikes. They managed to destroy Cheyenne Mountain...
("Manny, I think we should shift the last few loads for Cheyenne to an alternate target."
"Because it isn't there any more.")
Sodium is a metal that reacts explosively when exposed to water. Chlorine is a gas that'll kill you dead in moments. Together they make my fries taste good.