ValMikeSmith wrote:
I think its how the words are interpreted. I could be wrong but
one interpretation would be.
the first is the odds of being on a plane that just crashed now
the second is the odds of dieing during a flight you are on now
or something like that
Another way of looking at it could be to interpret the second statistic as you and Kevin have interpreted it, but to interpret the first statistic as meaning "the probability that any given person in the entire world will, over their entire lifetime, ever be on a flight that involves a fatality". This would then include people who never take a flight in their lives.
In fact, I am still thinking about this as I type, and I think you (Val) are probably right. Given that a fatal plane crash has just occurred, the probability that any given person is on it would be the capacity of an aircraft divided by the population of the world, I think.
I.e., 300 / 6 billion equals about 1 in 18 million. The sums seem to work, but it seems like a very silly statistic! You could use that sort of logic to prove that almost anything is safe.