I have been Apple free since birth. My computers run Windows 7 and Ubuntu either as a multiboot or virtual machine, my phone is a Blackberry Pearl 8120 and I use an 8 gig Cowon D2 as my MP3 player. I have it Rockboxed, so I can play DOOM or Game Boy games released before the Advanced. I am the only one in my family besides my older sister who doesn't own anything made by Apple.she has a 2 gigabyte Samsung YP-K3 and a 1 gigabyte SanDisk Sansa m200 series. My parents own iPhones, but my dad has a Blackberry Bold for work use. My younger sister owns a third generation iPod Nano. All the computers in my house run Windows only except for my desktop and laptops. My desktop multiboots Windows 7 and Ubuntu, but my two laptops run Ubuntu only except for my Compaq presario CQ60-418DX. I have Windows 7 in a virtual machine for when I need it and on my old HP Pavilion Ze4530US, I have Ubuntu on it as its only OS.
Music is my gateway to freedom. My instrument of choice is the trumpet.