$3,750 - 3 ati crossfire HD 5970 or the equivalent from nvidia.
480 - hyperdrive 5 sata2 ram drive with 64 gigs of mid grade ddr2. make sure you get the persistent power source for it too.
1904 - the above memory - you could go cheaper here as the just about any ram will saturate the sata2 cable. I spec'd low-mid grade stuff.
Thats already at 6000 or so. We still need a case, mobo, CPU, system memory, data storage drive, PSU, monitor, keboard/mouse and a blue ray RW dvd .
Get an awesome gamers mobo for 3000 dollars, drop 1000 on an excellent CPU, thats ~9000.
A thousand on ram(32 gigs), 300 on the PSU(1000 watts), 400 on the monitor(good 24 inch), 300 for good water cooling, and thats 11,000.
I'd get a thermaltake armor case. My brothers weighs a whopping 35 kilograms. You can get models with water cooling reservoirs built in($250).
blueray dvd(200? I have no need for one), dual 160 gig SSD hard disks($500 each) for data storage, and the rest you'd have a hard time spending too much on, but we are already over 12,500.
See? Its not so hard. Oh and I suppose you'll want windows 7, whichever is the most comprehensive package they offer. 300 bucks?
For the hyper drive 5, it has dual sata II connectors, so I would partition the 64 gigs into a 32 gig raid0. I would do the same with the dual SSD drives.
At that point I think you'd have a computer that is so fast, if you even thought about turning it on, it would say "Dont bother, I'm already at the desktop."
davidred wrote...
I installed Ubuntu once and it completely destroyed my paying relationship with Microsoft.