Actually, I've read the speculation on Ammonia-based life forms several times. Of course, I don't know what good it would do us to discover Ammonia-based life forms, since contact with them would likely be lethal to humans.
But nobody on this planet has yet proven how carbon and water based life forms arose, much less duplicated the feat, even at the most basic level, so its kind of overreaching our intellectual grasp at this point to speculate on other species. Wake me when somebody actually creates a single celled organism in a vat.
We don't yet understand the invisible patterns that cause sub molecular particles come together to form molecular particles, nor how it all manages to arrange itself into seemingly solid matter, which - surprise! - isn't solid after all.
Most humans are still looking smugly down their noses at each other because some consider themselves creationists and others atheists, when both groups are convinced their 'theory' is correct and the other is stupid for accepting their 'belief' on 'faith' in an unproven and unprovable idea. "Prove there's a God" "Prove there's not" - what if they're both wrong and the truth is something we won't come to even think of, much less understand for another six thousand years?
Provided of course, the petrochemicals in our oceans don't turn the planet into a dead stagnant reeking rock before then, or the radical Muslims take over the planet and outlaw all forms of learning outside memorization of holy scripture. Nah, probably more likely something involving Mah Jong Ill and Mumu Imadinnerjacket and the Chinese backing a nuke lobbing exchange - as long as there are central banks controlling imaginary bio-survival tickets, our alien progenitors will keep us immersed in fear and war. Gods forbid we ever actually get off planet and start meddling with their playthings...we're still only (barely) modified apes, after all...
Jookia wrote:
We have only gone to the moon technically.
You sure about that? The 'moon rocks' we gave the Dutch to put in their museum turned out to be plain ol' terrestrial petrified wood. Unless there's a forest on the dark side nobody's mentioned, that's kinda odd. My Moon globe doesn't show
The Hundred Acre Wood
Particles - there's a great future in particles. Think about it. Will you think about it?"