* Compaq 110C (Netbook)
Atom 270, 1GB memory.
160 GB harddrive.
Currently the only one that is working without any problems.
* Asus e3PC (Netbook)
Also Atom 270, 1GB memory
120 GB harddrive.
A bit screwed up so i'm gonna donate it to my friend.
* Compaq 77xx series laptop
Pentium 266 MMX, 32+192=224 MB (Impressive huh?)
~20 GB harddrive.
Power connector is glitchy, but it can work for a while.
* Compaq LTE 5133
Pentium 133, 12 MB (Even MORE amazing!)
~2 GB drive (Windows NT 4)
Still working, my mom play solitaire on it
I also used to have a AST Ascentia 900n... 486 power!! !
I'm thinking about buying a new laptop (as in non-netbook) that i can play games on, the netbooks are just too weak for that, i wish they would start putting NVidia or ATI cards in them.
"It is far better to grasp the Universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring" (Carl Sagan)