I,in actual fact, am very willing to help friends and family with their computer troubles, It was my initial idea to run a wifi connection for the dining room computer, no one had asked me to do it, as it had no ISP on it and wasn't connected to my LAN any other way, my fiancee has had her fair share of problems, her laptop runs slow, even though it is only over a year old and I did install anti-spyware and anti-virus for her, my mother's computer doesn't fair any better as far as speed is concerned and that is possibly a year old now, but my mother hasn't asked me to look at it yet, here at home I only get the odd call for help off people, though I have had to reinstall windows twice on the dining room computer, as well as, as i mentioned in another post, antivirus, and of course wireless internet access
We had some visitors a week or so ago, one computer query that came up was related to their digital camera and our Kodak printer dock, so I gave them a usb cable to plug the camera in and sure enough it was compatible, and just today I was asked to help someone send an email with attachments and I was happy to help
All in all, people asking me for help with computers doesn't bother me one bit