"Mrs Tunnicliffe has even had to cover her windows with a special metallic material to deflect errant electromagnetic waves."
Of course that will help immensely because as we all know, radio waves are just like light and if you put a radio behind a metal plate so you can't see it - well, it just won't be able to receive a thing, will it?
"whenever she is near electrical devices or items that emit a signal."
Would this include the power cabling throughout her home, I wonder, or isn't that considered an emitter?
It should be, because it is.
"While I was there [Kos] was I was fine, but when I got home I felt ill again almost straightaway."
Hmm. Does Kos have no WiFi system, no mobile or cordless phones, no TVs, no radios?
I didn't think it was that remote from civilisation.
I'm with TallyMan on this one - there is something else going on.
I remember reading a story (WiFi and related scares seem to pop up in batches) about some children and staff at a school who were complaining about the headaches they started getting once a WiFi access point had been installed.
Problem is - it had never even been switched on, let alone configured for use.
Giraffe: a ruminant with a view.