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09 Jul 2011, 5:38 am

I follow tech very closely and most stories are about google's new social network, google+. I don't get it. As far as I can tell, it's just another social network and the the furor of everyone trying to get invites reminds me of everyone rushing to get gmail invites back in the day(yes kids, gmail started in private beta) and I just can't get excited about it. I think I'm over social networks. Is anyone using google+? How is it?

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09 Jul 2011, 9:11 am

I have never used or even created on FaceBook but out of interest I asked for to give me invite to check it out...
Its similar to FaceBook (by its look, since I have used FB I don't know really), it has privacy setting for each line of text on your "page", your age, location, work, school and so on there is a switch for each one of those to whom you want to show them, I think the same is for other content and pictures, not sure since I haven't actually wrote or uploaded a thing yet.

And you can create circles of people and choose privacy settings to certain circles, for example you can "hide" your gamer life from those who don't need to see you play games 15 hours a day.

Ok, don't ask me, I don't really know, I just got the invite yesterday and I have never used the "competive" services so I cannot compare it to anything.

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09 Jul 2011, 10:37 am

it's ok, although I'll probably remove my account soon, unless they allow private profiles (Google announced they'll be closing all private profiles by the end of this month unless they become public - so as far as I'm concerned they are worse than facebook :? )

not a bug - a feature.

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09 Jul 2011, 7:26 pm

It's really just a way to get revenge on Zuckerberg.

The circles are a good idea and allow you to have different social identities (in theory). It'll replace Twitter and allow full interop. And for a short time, the apps are likely going to be unrestricted, so really fun games like Scrabulus will be back. We might even see some of Google's other apps start flexing their muscle since it could be so integrated.

Google+ is just the latest hooplah. Until, that is, they become the monopoly and screw over their members.

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12 Jul 2011, 8:58 am

If you want to remain anonymous it's better to use Gsick

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12 Jul 2011, 1:10 pm

I like it. It's fully integrated into Gmail and Google's other g-apps.

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18 Jul 2011, 10:02 pm

I actually think it might be the Facebook-esque features of it. sxephil(Philip DeFranco) on YouTube, said it best(not an exact quote, and with some of my own thoughts thrown in) "Its like Facebook but its not, and it does Facebook-like things but not really...And it looks super nice and super cool, and the different Circles you can make seem like a great idea(there's a rim joke in there somewhere)" And when you take the virtual tour and look at some of the See More features(instant upload and group chat for mobile devices has me most excited...hoping WP7 phones get a Google+ app just for this instead of MS jumping ship like they do with some stuff and trying to take the "If Google can do it, so can we herp herp a derp" and create their own version or something stupid.....If they do I'm gonna be pissed about choosing between Live on the go and the cool WP7 interface or the HTC Evo 3D for Google+

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29 Jul 2011, 11:56 am

I was invited to the Beta, but then the worst possible thing imaginable happened: You have to be 18 8O and I'm 16 so... Yeah... But my dad says it's cool, if that counts for anything :D

*Tries to think of something cool* Um, Uhm, Uhmmm *Head Explodes* Never Mind

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29 Jul 2011, 2:16 pm

Hope it kills facebook :D
I'm a fan of google hehe :twisted:

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30 Jul 2011, 8:03 am


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31 Jul 2011, 1:00 am

Y'know... personally, the idea of using Google+ scares me, because Google seems to have more of my personal information than Facebook could ever get. Facebook knows who my friends are, what my interests are, and saves my friends' private messages and comments/wall posts. Google already has all my personal AND school-related/professional e-mails, entire contact list, searches and browsing habits, and things I don't talk about, all associated with my GMail account. It's probably the most complete dossier that anyone could hope to build about me. And I'd have to link that account to some publicly available profile? Eep. I use an unknown, hidden e-mail address to log into my Facebook, just to make it harder to hack into it.