At first I was very wary of it, I pretty much always liked C++ the way it has been. I am starting to warm up to it though and am thinking about adopting pieces of the standard into code I write now. I think somethings were kind of obvious to change, the right angle bracket template problem, the nullptr constant, changes to object construction (so you can call other constructors in the initialization list), variadic templates.
I am also starting to like the idea of lambda in C++, I've done quite a bit of Scheme and Javascript programming so I am familiar with lambdas and I guess I can see why they might be useful in C++. Also nullptr seems like it will be useful.
I am not a big fan of the range-based for loop though, honestly I just don't see the point, it doesn't add much to the language. It is just nice shorthand for a really simple concept. Initialization lists seem useful but they also appear to be tied to the standard library (which I don't really like using all that much), so I am not sure I will be using them even though it seems like a reasonable feature.
Any other thoughts?
((12+144+20+3*(4^(1/2)))/7)+5*11 = (9^2) + 0