I don't have a particular phobia about technology - a friend, whom I suspect is probably also on the spectrum, turned me on to the Internet before most people even knew what it was or owned computers, and I am a music collecting fiend, so I do have an iPod, but i have no interest in pads or smart phones - I keep a prepaid cell phone in case my vehicle breaks down, but rarely use it otherwise.
I do get really sick of the constant stream of upgrades to everything. So many people worry about global climate change, but they absolutely HAVE to have the newest phone and the newest Pad every six months when the next model comes out and they don't think twice about all the lithium batteries and plastic that's going to the local landfill. I have always despised trendiness and this 'look at my new AP' culture makes me sick.
"Strange, inaccessible worlds exist at our very elbows"
- Howard Phillips Lovecraft