ViewUpHere wrote:
The Arduino is basically an Atmel AVR chip running a custom bootloader. Any Arduino board can be programmed directly using gcc, either in Linux, Windows, or on a Mac. Alternatively, you can get an Atmel based device and go this route without having to remove the Arduino bootloader.
That being said, the Arduino is a nice way to get into microcontrollers. A lot of the low-level coding has been done, so you can work on developing your application rather than having to re-invent the wheel. Some years ago I did a lot of the low-level work on a line of AVR-based controllers. It's a great learning experience, so if learning is your goal by all means do it. But if you want to make an LCD display text, make a servo go, and light up some LEDs, the Arduino is a nice bit of kit.
So I can use the Arduino without any extra chips?
Or does the code compile on to a chip that clips on?