Biokinetica wrote:
Orr wrote:
I have barely used Puppy Linux, but it is lightweight. Aside from that, there is a project called Linux From Scratch, which covers building a distro in a step-by-step guide. It could potentially give better performance, although factoring-in the build time may be a negative. I have spent at least 20 hours following the project, without making much progress, but I am quite inexperienced in using Linux.
I am wondering how you are finding the Aspire One, and what the particular model and specifications are? I have been considering buying one, as my laptop failed last month.
If he's using ubuntu, there's a good chance he's not up for that. Even so, there's Arch, which is the same thing, but has a much larger community. As for 'lightweight' distros, there's Jolicloud if you don't mind being chained to the internet. There's also Fedora LXDE.
i dont know,
i have been custom building an opensuse distro using susestudio but that is mainly package configuration. (gonna use it for experimenting with building python clients for sql interactions, need a server without too much extra)
i also work with SME server, a very easy to use server distro with the added bonus of immense flexibility through the terminal.
the aspire one definately has read issues, then again it is the zg5(quite old) so that might be the issue.
decreasing swappability of the ssd did help a lot but everytime it has to maipulate files it starts comitting suicide (in the metaphorical sense), i might try using a 16gb sd card instead of the ssd.
i was actually looking at arch before but i havent used any debian based distros yet, (might remember wrong about it being debian based).
//through chaos comes complexity//
the scent of the tamarillo is pungent and powerfull,
woe be to the nose who nears it.