Nah dude, here's what you do, all right, it's a winning strategy I have here for you to make boatloads of money., you get people to manufacture REALLY FANCY cases, made of titanium alloy or something, and then to sell them for more money, make gold buttons and stuff. Then...plop in Nokia phones from many years ago inside said cases. Then you talk a lot about fanciness and how great being rich is, and sell said phone for 5000 for the base model, then go to like 20K for the "smartphone" which runs off Symbian. Tout how great the concierge service is, when in reality it's worse than the concierge service that comes with most everyone's Mastercard they don't use anyway. Make sure to use words like "elegant" and "sophisticated" and "lifestyle" a lot, and make sure your website looks clean and it looks like you shaved that morning. ... e-ca-61dv/Click add to cart, just for fun.
for... Wait for it... £1.92 million! Sold on a badly made website which hasn't even capitalised "iphone" correctly!