Samarda wrote:
Are there any mathematicians with dyscalculia , is it even possible. I did hear that they can comprehend higher areas of mathematics but not simple arithmetic or Boolean algebra.
As the joke goes, there are 3 sorts of Mathematicians - those that can count and those that can't.
It is quite possible for someone to get a degree in Mathematics, but to struggle with arithmetic. Arithmetic is just one small area of Mathematics.
Temple Grandin gave an excellent talk at TED. She said that if an aspie child is a visual thinker, then they should skip algebra and go straight to geometry.
One of my supervisors at University was an algebraic topologist, married to another algebraic topologist. I remarked that they must have amazing conversations over the breakfast table, but he said not really as they work on different branches of algebraic topology.
So you can become very specialized as a mathematician. Let computers crunch the numbers.