Going to buy sims 3 and make some custom content.

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22 Jan 2012, 8:21 pm

I played Sims 2 for years and know a LOT about recoloring. retexturing, an stuff like that. Of course I never learned to make meshes yet. I heard how cool Sims 3 is but after all the years asking for it for Christmas an my birthday, I still never got it. How much does sims 3 cost and how do you make meshes for sims 3 using BLENDER? (Mod the Sims recommends Milkshape, but I don't have the money) What should I expect for making custom content on Sims 3 besides no Bodyshop?

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Hmmm...interesting. Shows what you know about Aspies, doesn't it rofl?

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22 Jan 2012, 11:37 pm

TS3 is awesome. make CC is a lot different though, than ts2. The best place to look for help is MTS3. http://modthesims.info/index.php?switch=n The forums there will point you in the right direction. Check out Delphy's programs. Twallans Mods over at Nraas industries are the *best*. can't play without them!