oldsk00l90 wrote:
It is probably because of their extremely fast refresh rates. It's not uncommon to see one with a refresh rate of 600 Hz, while LCD/LED screens usually top out at around 240 Hz. They are also good at displaying dark colors like black.
your eyes will barely notice the difference,
expecially since the "hz" of a tv are not actual physical X hz signals, they are mostly upsclaed 60hz signals improved with internal proccesing,
a computer monitor running at 120 hz for an example will have a uniquely new picture 120 times a second where a 600hz plasma would still only have a maximum of 60 unique pictures,(normal tv is usually between 24 and 30, i think full HD movies are recorded in 60, )
the rest is displaced pixels and post processing.
there probably are plenty of tvs that run a native 120 but anything above that i am highly skeptical of in that regard.
the colors are better with plasma however and if it werent for their finicky nature i probably would enjoy a plasma screen as much if not more than an LCD screen,
now i use my projector on an old overhead projection canvas and if i turn down the brightness a tad it allows for decently pure blacks)in relation to it being a projector) while still being intensive enough for the room lighting not to become much of an issue, daylight needs blocking whe in use though.
//through chaos comes complexity//
the scent of the tamarillo is pungent and powerfull,
woe be to the nose who nears it.
Last edited by Oodain on 12 Mar 2012, 12:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.