I was just curious if anyone else feels that CAPTCHA's have become "too intense". I was trying to register for a web site earlier today, and it took me a good 20min just to figure out the CAPTCHA thing! I must have hit the refresh button over 100 times lol. Some web sites have ones that are pretty easy to read or do, but I find more and more sites are using incredibly complex and crazy ones that are near impossible to get. The worst is the ones with a giant ink blot in the middle of the words lol. Even if you hit the audio button, the sound they make is so distorted and strange that it's impossible to make any sense from it. I put an image of one below to illustrate my point...one of the words is really easy to see but the other is a total jumbled mess.
For those who don't know what these are, it's the things that appear sometimes when you register or use web sites, where a highly distorted image is shown and you have to type out the letters displayed in the image.
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the reason it is that hard is that you actually try to decipher something real…. and no computer is able to solve and needs a human eye to solve…