Hey guys!
I have this awesome Hanns G monitor I bought 1 year ago for 69.99 from a second hand shop. Its full 1080p and everything.
We just got back off a week long holiday today. My brother wasn't too good before the holiday, so we all agreed he could take his gaming rig (Long story :/) and I said he could have my Hanns G monitor to take with him.
So we got to the holiday cottage and set everything up just fine. Everything went perfectly with it..... Until we came back from our holiday (Which was today).
We have a totally demented (But lovely and otherwise very well behaved) caviller king charles with extreme separation anxiety. It was a long journey on the way back and we wanted a break. So we stopped of at a near by town... Every time we leave our dog in the car, he goes insane, barking and dashing round the car etc. So anyway, he somehow managed to unwrap the big jacket I put around the monitor (He didnt chew it, trust me. He doesnt chew things at all) and he tried to get to the front seat. The monitor was in between the 2 front seats. So he tried to use the monitor as a bridge.... He must have slipped (I wasnt there at the time, im only assuming this happened) and scratched the monitor. It has taken 4 inches of the matted stuff off (Cant think of the name). Its very noticeable.... So yeah..... What can I do to remove it? I probably cant. In which case Il have to hope that I can get a new LCD panel for it cheap enough. (Im talking about < 30 pounds.... Not going to happen, but hey.)
Can anyone help? 
?Sometimes when you innovate, you make mistakes. It is best to admit them quickly, and get on with improving your other innovations.? -Steve Jobs.