Snar wrote:
I get the impression that there are a number of people on here who are fellow radio amateurs
No need to give callsigns, but I'd be interested in where you are, favourite bands / modes and equipment you run...
I am not a licensed amateur yet, though have intended to try and get my foundation license over the last year but due to various setbacks that could not happen, in the mean time, I generally do DXing on 11 meters (aka CB radio), though that idea went out the window last week after the antenna I was using came down, so I am now restricted to PMR446 and a PMR446 gateway that I run from home on the Free Radio Network. I plan to work on getting my CB going again in the next few months with a loft-mount inverted V antenna.
Hopefully once I get over the hurdles such as my CB and getting a car, I can then progress to the Amateur license and have more bands, and the local Echolink and IRLP enabled 2m repeater which I listen to on occasion, to work with, which I quite look forward to
Thanks Tinkerbell.
Allegedly away with the fairies for 6-7 years