MacDragard wrote:
Technology, I learned from watching Star Trek.
Can anyone relate?
I hope you realise that shows such as 'Star Trek' often get their facts hopelessly wrong, and so I hope that you are not serious about this.
A (short) list of factual errors that I have found in various episodes of the various incarnations of the show 'Star Trek'.
1. When an enemy vessel explodes in space, not only do we hear the explosion (sound waves don't travel through a vacuum, so this is impossible) but we hear the explosion at the very same instant that we see it, which is also impossible because sound waves don't travel as fast as EM waves. There should be a delay proportional to the distance that the waves have to travel; the greater the distance, the longer the delay.
2. When an 'away team' is beamed down to the surface of a planet, the orbiting star-ship should, for the sake of a quick beam-up in case of an emergency, remain in geosynchronous orbit. However, we always see the star-ship, when viewed from a distance, moving against the background of the planet that it is orbiting.
3. In 'Star Trek: Voyager' there is an episode where the crew of the eponymous star-ship pass the event horizon of a black hole and escape by phasering (is that a word? it is now) a 'hole' in the event horizon!
Once an object passes the event horizon of a black hole, there is no chance in hell that it can go back the way it entered; it is simply impossible, for the reason that in order to do so the object thus trapped would have to accelerate beyond the speed of light. Black holes are black because even light isn't fast enough to escape them. The event horizon is nothing more than the point of no return, analogous to the edge of a cliff; it does not have a physical substance that one can 'cut' through.
4. All of the aliens are humanoid. The odds against even one other alien species within our universe having developed along such closely parallel lines as to give such a species a humanoid form is... well, it's practically impossible to believe that it could happen. Yet... on a weekly basis the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise encounter such creatures.
5. The aliens not only speak English, but they do so with an American accent! Yes, I know about the existence of 'universal translators', but the original series, to my knowledge, did not have those devices.
6. The explosions that one sees in the empty space of 'Star Trek' produce a two-dimensional 'ripple', like the ripples in a pond when a stone is thrown into one. Space is three-dimensional (and empty), so any explosion would produce effects that spread out in all directions simultaneously; i.e. one would see a sphere of light, not a ring, move out from the centre of the explosion.
7. Human-alien hybrids (ex. B'elanna Torres in 'Voyager'). Again, this is impossible. Any aliens that we may encounter at some point in the future will be more different from us than we are from carrots, so any 'cross-breeding' will be out of the question.
8. The number of Earth-like planets that are encountered, in almost every episode, defy the odds to such an extent as to render this show, in all its incarnations, impossible to accept, and therefore it fails on the level of being pure escapism.
9. Did I mention that these shows are fiction?