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Can you programme at all?
Yes im awesome!! i can programme 2 or more languages 24%  24%  [ 12 ]
Yes im awesome!! i can programme 2 or more languages 24%  24%  [ 12 ]
i can programme a bit here and there 20%  20%  [ 10 ]
i can programme a bit here and there 20%  20%  [ 10 ]
I can't programme for CRAP!! it wil always be beyond me forever and ever!! !! ! 6%  6%  [ 3 ]
I can't programme for CRAP!! it wil always be beyond me forever and ever!! !! ! 6%  6%  [ 3 ]
Total votes : 50

Blue Jay
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01 Mar 2005, 7:26 am

i think im pretty smart all round... but one of the only things i cant do is PROGRAMME!! aaaaaaaah eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek!... when i was doing first they 'tried' (i said TRIED) to teach us matlab!1 eeeeeeeeeek gosh it wsa funny ..every single tute.... there were like 30 of us in the computer room.. and everyone had their hands up like alllll the time! and when the teacher DID come around .. he just did this dodgy explanation that i didnt understnad so my hand was UP agian! gosh i hated this.. matlab was a component of a first yr ..first semester subject...

we had to built some robot arm thing using matlab. i had noooo idea how to use matlab (like 90% of the otehr 160 doing engineering) .. so a friend in my class basically told me how to do it TOtally!! haha i changed like one line and handed it in lol.. otherwise i wouldnt have done it..

anywya.. i think bout 95% of theclass FAILED the matlab section and passed the subject because the otehr stuff was easier!

so from then, i have been SCARRED from programming and matlab for LIFE ... i just dont know how to do it... i mean the stupid program has to think one CERTAIN step at a time in the exact ordfer taht it has to work.. i think in leaps and bounds and backwards and sideways at times, so how am i sposed to learn to programme@! aaaaaaaaaaah
/me runs for the hills of antiprogramming!! !!

i should make a poll.. good~! !~ :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:


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01 Mar 2005, 7:36 am

Programming is one thing that comes really easily to me. I've learned a couple languages on my own and I'm currently being taught new ones as part of my computer science degree. I can do all the boring stuff they assign to us, but I can really only have fun with game programming :)


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01 Mar 2005, 8:18 am

Yep - I'm really brill at programming too (initiating smug mode) :) Its unfortunately one of these you can either do or you can't, and most people just can't unfortunately...... But I CAN!! !! Mwah-hah-haaaahhh!! !! :twisted:

I've been spared the joys of MATLAB though, so I can't really comment on it in particular, but it can't be any barmier than blinkin' JAVA.....

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01 Mar 2005, 8:34 am

Oh, no, not java!

while (true){ System.out.println("It makes no sense!"); }


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01 Mar 2005, 8:36 am

ghotistix wrote:
Oh, no, not java!

while (true){ System.out.println("It makes no sense!"); }

Yeah, I used to like Java less than I do now but I still don't like it. I prefer Perl, although that probably doesn't make sesne either. Regardless, Perl is my favorite language.

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01 Mar 2005, 9:51 am

I know a bit about programming. I took classes all through high school about it, and 1 class in college. But I never really got past a point of just playing around with it. I use it mostly as a tool to help study mathematics.


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01 Mar 2005, 9:05 pm

ghotistix wrote:
Oh, no, not java!

while (true){ System.out.println("It makes no sense!"); }

You mean

public class ThisLanguageSucks {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
      while (true) {
         System.out.println("It makes no sense!");

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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01 Mar 2005, 9:22 pm

what about assembly ? my heart love for ever :D

lea ebp, @da
lea esi, @da2
sub edx, edx
@@1: push edx, edx, ebp, edx
call MessageBoxA
mov byte ptr[esi], 'x'
inc esi
mov byte ptr[esi], dl
jmp @@1
@da "Java suxx"
@da2 (5000) db 0

it has been soooooo long since i didnt coded :lol:

Last edited by serine on 01 Mar 2005, 9:49 pm, edited 2 times in total.


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01 Mar 2005, 9:22 pm

I never got beyond BASIC. Even then (or now), best I could do was

20 GOTO 10


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02 Mar 2005, 12:10 am

serine wrote:
what about assembly ? my heart love for ever :D

lea ebp, @da
lea esi, @da2
sub edx, edx
@@1: push edx, edx, ebp, edx
call MessageBoxA
mov byte ptr[esi], 'x'
inc esi
mov byte ptr[esi], dl
jmp @@1
@da "Java suxx"
@da2 (5000) db 0

it has been soooooo long since i didnt coded :lol:

I never learned x86, but I did have to learn MIPS for my Computer Architecture class.

msg:    .asciiz "Maybe Java isn't so bad after all\n"

        .globl main
main:   la $a0, msg
        li $v0, 4
        j main

Blue Jay
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02 Mar 2005, 10:05 pm

*shrug* I like Java. I know HTML, CSS (not really programming languages, but that's ok), BASIC, PHP, and some MySQL access commands. I'll be learning C++ this summer.


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02 Mar 2005, 10:51 pm

Tell me about programming. When I graduated from High School I barely passed Math so it was apparently clear to me I wanted nothing to do with that in college. So I went to get a career in Art and Graphic Design. And now, in a ironic twist of fate, I have to deal with Java and PHP on a daily basis at work (I have been a web designer-gone-developer for almost 10 years). And while I have learned to stop worrying about that and actually enjoy some of it, what I thought of being a 2-year stint while in college has become a full career in itself for me. In other words, I am becoming my own worst nightmare - a terminal, workaholic geek. Sometimes I just want to kiss all this goodbye and move to the countryside to get into art again, or something.

*shudder* 8O

I have to add that my programming skills were honed mainly by the fact that, in the beginning, I had to be a jack of all trades, things had to be done, and no one else was there to do it - so, in true AS spirit, I just began doing my own research and learning a lot in the process. :D

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Tufted Titmouse
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03 Mar 2005, 12:50 am

Dan wrote:
msg: .asciiz "Maybe Java isn't so bad after all\n"

.globl main
main: la $a0, msg
li $v0, 4
j main

i bet you are right, it all depends on what you wanna do with it, anyway i made a nasty message for java, it was all to make a (not so) "tricked" procedure, java has been a victim of this :? :wink:


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24 Mar 2005, 2:38 pm

Is programming one of those things you wither get or dont get ?

Cos ive been studying computer science for the past 4 years, in my final year and doing my project in JAVA and i cant program for s**t !

i just cant get my head round the whole thing :?


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24 Mar 2005, 3:47 pm

i have absolutely no idea about programming. well, i might do, but i don't even know if i do.

and what's more, i care not a jot. that's what you computer people are for.

i, however, am stunningly brilliant at other things...


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24 Mar 2005, 4:58 pm

Its something I have never tried either- I just haven't had any desire to give it a go, so I don't know if I get it or not.

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