CPU Temperature
CPU Temperature Icon
The CPU Temperature Gauge indicates the current temperature measured at the CPU as the ratio of the maximum temperature.
This is from Toshiba's PC Health Monitor's Help Guide. It's strange, actually.
You probably would need to open up your laptop if you want to clean inside, don't just blow air into the vents. Instead of those air cans, if you have a small vacuum cleaner, you might simply be able to move the hose on the other end to blow air. You could probably use an old squeeze bottle (like an empty ketchup bottle or something).
You keep saying your CPU is at x% heat. Temperature should be given in degrees, not percentages, so are you sure that what you are seeing is not CPU usage? If it is, 39-45% is pretty high, assuming you aren't running anything resource intensive.
Press ctrl+alt+del, start task manager and look under the performance tab. If you don't have anything open it really shouldn't be above 10%, maybe 20%. If it is then you have something running in the background that's causing problems.
CPU Temperature
CPU Temperature Icon
The CPU Temperature Gauge indicates the current temperature measured at the CPU as the ratio of the maximum temperature.
This is from Toshiba's PC Health Monitor's Help Guide, and should explain things. I could attach an actual thermometer to the computer, if I can figure out where the CPU is. BTW, the temperature is currently 37% of the max.
I checked out the Performance tab, and it usually hangs between 0% and 7%, and that's with Firefox with three tabs open, iHeart Radio included. It's usually much higher than that when the browser first opens, or when a song changes.
EDIT: I forgot to add that I CANNOT take the computer apart, as I'm a total noob when it comes to taking things apart and putting them back together, so I might have to ask one of my older cousins to do it for me if they come to visit and have the time to do it. Otherwise, if I do it, I'll lose the computer guaranteed. It'll just be unusable parts.