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12 Feb 2007, 2:23 am

which programs/applications/languages do you master (excellent/good/a little) ?

(just a question that popped up, will answer it later myself, no time for the moment,
but i'm curious and will forget to ask it if i don't just now)


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12 Feb 2007, 2:24 am

I know a little Pascal, C++, and Visual Basic.


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12 Feb 2007, 2:53 am

...I have forgotten more than most people will ever know.


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12 Feb 2007, 6:16 am


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Rises as gladly in the single tree
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12 Feb 2007, 12:27 pm

...also, take a look at this thread from the end of last year...

It's called: Any programmers out here?


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12 Feb 2007, 7:54 pm

excellent : Photoshop , Flash, Director, Final cut, Adobe Premiere, Access, powerpoint, Dreamweaver
good: Soundforge, Illustrator, Fruityloops, HTML, Excel, Word
a little: 3D-max, Java

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12 Feb 2007, 7:58 pm

HTML, Photoshop
Microsoft Office (Certified!)
LaTeX (albeit at a very basic level)

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12 Feb 2007, 9:03 pm

I took a class in Java last semester and basically aced it but the only thing we did much of was basic IO so it was pretty simple programming. I did a few weeks of easy Turing in high school and found that really easy as well (and managed to fix a few problems the teacher couldn’t figure out).
I enjoy programming because it's easy and can be stimulating for problem solving but I rarely do it because it takes a while to do anything interesting and I don't have that kind of time or creativity.
If sound programming counts, I just figured out Milkytracker and managed to make three seconds of something that will probably get irritating after a few loops.


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13 Feb 2007, 11:12 am

I have IBT2 certification in MS Office, but I haven't really put it to good use yet.

Other programs I have dabbled with (but not mastered) include Blender, Paint Shop Pro, Photoshop, The GIMP, Inkscape, MilkyTracker, Werkkzeug, Klik and Play, The Games Factory, the latter 2 I used to create some fairly decent games.

Languages I have tried to learn include Blitz Basic, PS2 YaBasic, Javascript, HTML, CSS, Lua, Python, Pascal.

I'm currently learning C++/SDL. I still have quite a lot of C++ to learn, though. I've mainly been learning from online tutorials. I really should buy myself a C++ book. I'd also like to learn C#/XNA, but that recommends shader model 2, which my graphics card doesn't support.

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13 Feb 2007, 6:32 pm

Ms word,Ms powerpoint,Paint,Ms digital image starter edition 2006 Editor, some of serif,Sonic Stage,Adobe,

Nothing fancy,

Oh has anyone here got Vista?

i havent got it yet is it as good as they say :?:


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14 Feb 2007, 1:17 am

i started quick basic when i was 8. i had no idea what i was doing until i was... 9 :d
i learnt html by viewing sources to pages like before they became all complicated like they are now.
then i got real good at visual basic by the time i was 13, i took full advantage of all its features, even the ones that are why most programmers don't like it.
then i started c, but lost interest due to my lack of ability to do anything in it, when i already could in VB.
but then i got into php, and what i knew from c, really helped me learn php very fast, plus php is easy like vb.
i signed up for a comp sci course that teaches java, but the way they taught it was too noob i couldn't stand it. i went like 3-4 chapters ahead and still wasn't learning anything new, so i ditched it.

i know it sounds kind of noob of me, but i still stick with VB. soon VB6 programs will be to w/e new crap MS will have out, as C is now. plus its much easier and faster to write something in.


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14 Feb 2007, 2:16 am

HTML, SQL, VB, Scheme, C++, PHP, and some others.

I know a bit or a lot of everything I have written above.

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That's my two pence worth.