I have IBT2 certification in MS Office, but I haven't really put it to good use yet.
Other programs I have dabbled with (but not mastered) include Blender, Paint Shop Pro, Photoshop, The GIMP, Inkscape, MilkyTracker, Werkkzeug, Klik and Play, The Games Factory, the latter 2 I used to create some fairly decent games.
Languages I have tried to learn include Blitz Basic, PS2 YaBasic, Javascript, HTML, CSS, Lua, Python, Pascal.
I'm currently learning C++/SDL. I still have quite a lot of C++ to learn, though. I've mainly been learning from online tutorials. I really should buy myself a C++ book. I'd also like to learn C#/XNA, but that recommends shader model 2, which my graphics card doesn't support.
Aspies: Because great minds think alone.