I have an iPad mini and love it, though I do find I need my reading glasses with it. I have to use and test some apps on it, so my only real choice was iPad or iPad mini. I would be happy with either but I like the weight and size of the mini more. It's good for reading in bed and on the train.
II do get pissed at the "semi-walled garden" limitations sometimes--the Pythonista app is amazing, for example, but also frustrating in what it can't do because of Apple policy. I think my next tablet may be an android so I can do more with it--there are a lot of interesting android/arduino/RasPi possibilities I would like to explore. I think this also means that android offers a better educational environment for my kids--we can get into its guts together rather than just looking at the shiny exterior.
That shiny exterior on the iPad really is quite lovely, however--as long as you are OK in the semi-walled garden, it is a marvelous machine.