Can someone help solve my Kindle tablet problem?

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12 Aug 2017, 4:29 pm

Wondering if someone far more tech savvy than I am can figure out what's happening to my Kindle?

It's connecting to the internet for most purposes, including game apps that depend on internet connection. So I know that it is connecting or these games wouldn't even play.

But for all other purposes, I get an error message saying it can't "connect to the server."

I can't get on the internet via the Silk browser, my email doesn't notify anymore, the Amazon store won't download. All say "You are offline."

But I'm not offline as I see my wifi signal and, as mentioned, all my connection-dependent games still open and play.

I have a Kindle Fire HD 3rd generation, and upon checking the version, it says it's updated to the latest version.

I've powered off to reboot it, and done the same for my wi-fi too.

What can I do to fix this? I've googled and can't find anything that helps, even from the Amazon help site itself. Most help sections address not being able to hook up to wi fi at all, but mine does connect, it just won't open web pages and such.

The Cat Ghost
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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15 Aug 2017, 2:14 pm

Looks like it's a fairly common problem: ... -not-alone

Edit: it's an old link, but could be useful


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16 Aug 2017, 5:27 am

Hi Cat Ghost -- thanks for posting that link; it's somewhat of a comfort to at least know I'm not the only one!

I've apparently got the latest OS update on my Kindle, but will have to search further for fixes. The frustrating thing is, it was connecting fine for all the time I've owned it (couple of years) but suddenly this problem started recently right after I cleared my cache on a lot of apps.

The strange thing is, internet-dependent games and apps still operate and seem to be connecting, even the ones that will tell you right away that it can't connect when I haven't got my wifi turned on. Those are still happily connecting. But all other uses say I'm offline.


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16 Aug 2017, 9:13 pm

You're better off installing custom firmware onto that Kindle like I did to 2 different Amazon Kindle devices and now they perform WAY better than the forked Amazon versions of Android. Check out the XDA forums if you are curious

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16 Aug 2017, 9:45 pm

Probably so, guitarman, no doubt.

I have an update however -- I got my full connection back!

I don't know why I didn't think of this before -- I selected "Forget network" then re-instituted my network and its key number/password.

That got it all back for me. I still don't know why it developed the issue, however.

Leaving this here for if or when someone else has this issue.