Apparently I have a learning disability. I'm diagnosed with a few and I just figured that out yesterday! One of them is Math related, or maybe specifically math like Algebra. Of course, I have issues with my Algebra teacher, who I meantioned in a few different posts just yells at me when I get problems wrong, and even told me I was stupid (well she just HINTED it. She said she couldn't possibly understand why I'm so bad at this) I don't know exactly what learning disabilities I have, but I know one is Math related and one is related with words (switches letters with other letters, annoying stuff like that) I have NO idea what to do, really. I mean if I have learning disabilities shouldn't my teachers me a little nicer about when I mess up?
Empathy Quotient Test Score: 63
Hmmm...interesting. Shows what you know about Aspies, doesn't it rofl?
"One pill makes you larger and one pill makes you small but the pills that mother gives you don't do anything at all"