The LHC's second run

Joined: 21 Jul 2010
Age: 42
Gender: Male
Posts: 117
Location: near Belfast, Northern Ireland
Although I'm interested in both physics & new technology I only have, in adult terms, a basic knowledge of both, due to me not having studied science beyond GCSE Double Award & the tech industry starting to leave me behind from Windows XP onwards. However I do know a bit.
I read recently that they've successfully restarted the LHC or Large Hadron Collider but collisions won't happen at design energy for at least a month. I hope they achieve their goals of gaining further knowledge of the Higgs-Boson, discovering dark matter & advancing physics in general. The big discovery I'm waiting for is the ability to "walk" along our own space-time continuums taking present knowledge with us, as like most people, I'd not just like to relive good moments from my past but to fix mistakes as well.
While I'm on the subject, I've been thinking over the past while that we could all possibly live in our own unique dimension, which would explain things like luck and karma, or as Buddhists call it "kamma". The evidence for it is that I've been noticing that when I think or say something I encounter something very similar soon afterwards either in a song on the radio, on TV, or in what people around me say. For example, I was thinking about Chief O'Brien tonight & soon afterwards, Chicane, (an Irish band), came on the radio.
My sound system is off now though & I'm going to go off-line. Goodnight, sleep well.
Although I'm interested in both physics & new technology I only have, in adult terms, a basic knowledge of both, due to me not having studied science beyond GCSE Double Award & the tech industry starting to leave me behind from Windows XP onwards. However I do know a bit.
I read recently that they've successfully restarted the LHC or Large Hadron Collider but collisions won't happen at design energy for at least a month. I hope they achieve their goals of gaining further knowledge of the Higgs-Boson, discovering dark matter & advancing physics in general. The big discovery I'm waiting for is the ability to "walk" along our own space-time continuums taking present knowledge with us, as like most people, I'd not just like to relive good moments from my past but to fix mistakes as well.
While I'm on the subject, I've been thinking over the past while that we could all possibly live in our own unique dimension, which would explain things like luck and karma, or as Buddhists call it "kamma". The evidence for it is that I've been noticing that when I think or say something I encounter something very similar soon afterwards either in a song on the radio, on TV, or in what people around me say. For example, I was thinking about Chief O'Brien tonight & soon afterwards, Chicane, (an Irish band), came on the radio.
My sound system is off now though & I'm going to go off-line. Goodnight, sleep well.

kamma is Pali
karma is Sanskrit
Technically, Gautama Siddhartha would not have known the Pali language. Though most of the Buddhist Canon is written in Pali, it was written centuries after the Buddha reached parinirvana. The language(s) he spoke are believe to be extinct.
The big discovery I'm waiting for is the ability to "walk" along our own space-time continuums taking present knowledge with us, as like most people, I'd not just like to relive good moments from my past but to fix mistakes as well.
what makes you believe that this is possible?
if 'you' could 'fix' past mistakes the 'you' trying to fix them would not be....well....'you'

Joined: 21 Jul 2010
Age: 42
Gender: Male
Posts: 117
Location: near Belfast, Northern Ireland
Fnord, I always make train-of-thought posts but doesn't everyone think what they're going to say as they're typing? slave, I'm not an expert in Buddhism, it just happens to be the religion I'm closest to identifying with, ever since I saw the Stargate SG-1 episode: "Maternal Instinct". I'm not an expert in quantum physics either, so I don't understand your second post. I'm just hoping that it will be possible to rewind our lives relatively soon, as I'm 32 & playing catch-up. (The fact that I'm playing catch-up is for a totally different part of WP though).
Oh btw, I forgot to mention in my first post that if we all live in our own unique dimension or plane of reality, not only would it explain luck & karma/kamma but it would also explain why everything goes right for us some days & wrong for us other days, so-called "good days" & "bad days". They're hoping to discover other dimensions at CERN as well.