ghotistix wrote:
Agreed. Some supposedly "Hi-fi" WMAs sound like they were recorded in a public bathroom.
...while it's being used.
Agreed, I'm listening to a HI-FI DRM WMA file right now encoded at 128k through a good pair of headphones attached to a good stereo amplifier. It does indeed have a rather tinny sound to it when I listen closely to it.
Which brings me to an after thought I had on DRM, macrovision protection of CD's and other schemes being used to protect digital content from being copied.
In the case of my DRM files, I don't need to hack them to get at the content, all I have to do is lug out my dad's reel to reel HI-FI tape deck, hook it up to my computer. record on to that, turn around and record the tape back into my computer.
It won't be the "perfect digital copy" RIAA is so adament about stopping, but it will sound pretty close to it, enough that average person won't notice the difference.
RIAA is waisting their time and money trying to come up with ways to stop people from duplicating music on their computers, as long as their is a way to listen to it, their is a way to copy it.
I live my life to prove wrong those who said I couldn't make it in life...