SystemDown wrote:
JohnnyCarcinogen wrote:
Maybe what is deluding you.
I'm not deluded. Only a deaf person or one that's had very little to no exposure to one of the races can't tell that white and black people have distinct voices. Unless you're deaf or have had very little to no exposure to one of the races, I don't see how you could think they don't have distinct voices. There are, of course, also some white people that sound like a typical black person and vice versa.
Now you're taking part of a sentence out of context.
What I said was, "Maybe what is deluding you is the fact that the majority of the impoverished happen to be minorities, which puts their geographic location & socioeconomic status in the same place across the board, regardless of skin color or gender."
As WurdBendur and CloudWalker said, dialect plays a bigger role than biological difference, as well as culture.
For example, if you were to visit Great Britain, you would notice the accents of many minorities are much different than those in the U.S. You may not be able to tell the minorities from the majority race.