Rockymtchris wrote:
Primarily "rocketmail", now part of Yahoo, but also a couple of other services related to my high-speed internet provider and my employer's company contracts. In total I have three addresses, but none are on hotmail, praise God. I hate "hotmail", and I'm not very fond of "g-mail" either. In addition "outlook" is total yuppietrash B.S, IMO.
"HoTMaiL" as it was originally called pre-Microsoft (I refuse to call it, or use it as, "outlook") really does make a wonderful spam-bucket for use when a site requires a valid address and you don't feel like letting them have your personal info. I now have around 135,000 messages in my Inbox...
“For small creatures such as we the vastness is bearable only through love.”
―Carl Sagan