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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

Joined: 26 Dec 2015
Gender: Male
Posts: 3
Location: socal

08 Jan 2016, 12:05 pm

I was walking to one of my classes and talking to a friend and not paying any attention when i walked directly into a concrete bench, hitting my leg. It hurt so bad that i couldn't walk on it. As we parted ways to go to our classes, i told myself, walk it off, suck it up and walk it off. amazingly, after about 30 seconds, the pain disappeared. Now i know that this could not just happen like that because i hit my shin on a corner and it hurt A LOT, and i have a high pain tolerance. so as i walked to my class i proposed a theory to myself: Did the phrase "walk it off" cause a psychosomatic response to ease my pain? and if so, what other phrases or events have we grown up hearing and seeing that might trigger this phenomenon? is it possible that the mentality of walking off a pain to ease it might only be in our heads, because walking on an injury should make it worse? i would love your input!

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