wsmac wrote:
I know... Arduino... but I'm just as interested in the Raspberry Pi.
Long way around to my question....
Does anyone have experience with both and can say if one is easier for a beginning programmer to work with, than the other?
I wouldn't say I have experience of both yet, but to me they are quite different devices. Arduinos are an easy way to use microcontrollers, for controlling mechanical devices. A Pi is a computer that can also perform the functions of a microcontroller, while a normal computer is a pretty useless device for controlling mechanical devices.
I think which one is easier to program largely depends on previous experience. I've taught myself enough BASIC, Visual BASIC and PHP over the years to get a computer to do pretty much what I want, in a very amateur way. I'm also using OpenSCAD for 3D CAD, that has its own programming language. I didn't find picking up the Arduino version of C++ to be a problem, even though I was using it to control mechanical devices rather than process data. I've looked briefly at Python, that I'd need to program a Pi, and it's so different to what I'm used to that it will take a lot of effort to learn it, especially when I still need to use C++ for Arduinos.
My main use for Arduinos is for radio control of model railways. I've got a system working, but not installed yet, that will control all the servos, stepper motors, relays, LEDs etc. on the layout, and fixed loco controllers for track powered locos. I'm currently installing my second receiver in a battery powered loco, and I've had the first one running well enough to know it will work. I can use Megas, Unos, Nanos and various expansion boards for controlling the layout, as size doesn't matter, but for locos size is important. I'm currently using Pro Minis in the locos, but the next step will be to program ATtiny chips, as I can make the Rx much smaller. I could use Raspberry Pis for the layout, but couldn't miniaturise it enough to fit in a loco. That's where the Arduino wins, as it's just an easy way to use a microcontroller, but you can also use the microcontroller chip on its own.
I could use a Pi for controlling the layout, and it would give me more memory, and the ability to control large screens, so maybe I'll try that one day. But Pis are very expensive compared to Arduinos. I can buy a lot of Arduinos, or ATtiny chips, for the price of one Pi. One day I'll get a couple of Pi Zeros to try, as they're almost as cheap as Arduinos, but think I'm likely to stick with what I know, unless a Pi would be a real benefit.
I bought my Pi 4 to see if it would make a usable cheap desktop PC, and also because I have ideas about building an Intranet of My Things one day, where controlling sensors and other devices would be useful.